In today's housing market, it's evident that mortgage rates and home prices have risen compared to last year, impacting your affordability. Simultaneously, the number of available homes for sale remains lower than usual, presenting significant challenges for buyers. However, despite these obstacles, there are effective ways to overcome them and turn your homeownership dream into a reality.

As you embark on your homebuying journey this season, strategic planning becomes crucial. Take a close look at your wish list and carefully consider which features are essential for your next home and which ones fall into the nice-to-have category. This thoughtful approach prevents you from overextending your budget or unnecessarily limiting your options in pursuit of the perfect home.'s Chief Economist, Danielle Hale, emphasizes the importance of laser focus:

“To make a good decision in this challenging housing market, be laser-focused on what you need now and in the years ahead... Avoid stretching your budget, as tempting as it may be.”

To identify your needs, create a comprehensive list of features you desire and categorize them:

  1. Must-Haves: Non-negotiable features essential to your lifestyle (e.g., proximity to work or loved ones, specific bedrooms/bathrooms).

  2. Nice-To-Haves: Desirable but not dealbreakers; a home with these features is a contender if it fulfills the must-haves (e.g., a second home office, a garage).

  3. Dream State: Extravagant features that enhance your vision; a clear winner if a home meets must-haves, most nice-to-haves, and any dream features (e.g., a pool, multiple walk-in closets).

Avoid limiting your options by insisting on only touring homes with dream features. Instead, focus on aspects like location and room count, which are less changeable. Features such as granite countertops or a pool can be added post-move, allowing flexibility in your choices.

Sometimes, the perfect home is one you perfect after purchase.

Once you've categorized your list, consult your real estate agent, sharing your top priorities. They'll assist in refining your list, guide you on adhering to it, and locate homes in your area that meet your essential needs.

Sometimes the perfect home is the one you perfect after buying it.

In conclusion, given the current affordability challenges and limited housing supply, a strategic approach is essential to finding a home that aligns with your needs while staying within your budget. Let's connect to make this achievable.