Are you overwhelmed, wanting to sell, but not knowing where to start?

I'm Lydia Gable with Compass, and I'd love to share with you a little bit of information about how to get your home ready. We have an exclusive program called Compass Concierge that has funds available for you to help you get your home ready.

As we all know, a home that's painted, cleaned up, and ready to go helps you get top dollar. And if you are thinking of selling, you really want to make sure to maximize your net equity out of your home. And what we do is all about customer service. We want to help you declutter. We want to help you pack and organize. We want to help you pick colors because we really want you to get the most out of your home. And Compass Concierge is a program where there's no loan and no fee, and you borrow money ahead of time and pay it back at the end after we sell your home.

And if you're interested in selling now or a year from now, call us. We can talk about the program, and we can talk about the things that you might need to do, but don't be overwhelmed. We understand it's a big process. You've loved your home, and now it's time for somebody else to love your home. So please give us a call. happy to help you.